Scrabble Association, Singapore
Mailing address: Scrabble Association, 14 Robinson Road, #08-01A Far East Finance Building, Singapore 048545
Web master: webmaster at


Notice is given that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Scrabble Association will be held virtually at 5.30 p.m. on 11 April 2021. Any amendments to date will be emailed to members and also posted to the Events page of Toucanet ( Those wishing to attend should fill up the form (SA_AGM_2021_Attendance). It is expected that the Zoom platform will be used and a link will be sent in due course.

  1. Matters Arising

  2. To note report of the Committee for 2020.

  3. To consider and adopt the minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting. These were circulated by email.

  4. To note the change of address of the Association. This took place in early 2021 and has been approved by the Registry of Societies.

  5. To approve the Audited Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2020.

  6. To elect the SA Officers and Committee for the term until the conclusion of the 2022 Annual General Meeting. The current Treasurer, Toh Weibin, must retire and the committee recommends that he be elected Secretary, and the current Secretary, Marlon Prudencio, be elected as Treasurer for the 2021-2022 term. Any members interested in serving on the Committee are encouraged to email failing which the other members of the committee will stand for reelection to their current posts.

  7. To elect two new Honorary Auditors for the year to 31 December 2021. SA thanks Lee Guan Hui and Liew Kian Boon for serving as Honorary Auditors for 2020. Please let us know if you would like to serve as Auditor for 2021.

  8. Special business: To pass amendments to the Constitution as follows (pdf), subject to approval by Registry of Societies. See Committee report for elaboration.

  9. Any Other Business

Additional Notes:

  1. We are able to hold the AGM virtually under the "Alternative Arrangements Order" ( which has been extended to end of June 2021.

  2. Usually these notices and minutes are circulated in the newsletter. However the absence of face-to-face activity means that the newsletter has been in abeyance. For one thing, material has been in short supply. For another, we have forgone subscription revenue for a year, so the saving in expenditure is welcome.

  3. Our previous office address provider moved in late 2020. We were therefore obliged to change address for which there was a $40 fee payable to ROS. There will be a saving in annual expenditure as the current provider charges less.

  4. Online play has substituted for much of the face-to-face activity for the time being. SA thanks all those members who have worked to keep everything going.

  5. Many thanks also to those who helped organise Team SG for the virtual 2020 Gladiators WESPA Youth Cup, which was held in early 2021.

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© 2025 Scrabble Association
Last updated: 28 Mar 2021