Scrabble Association, Singapore
Mailing address: Scrabble Association, 14 Robinson Road, #08-01A Far East Finance Building, Singapore 048545
Web master: webmaster at

WSC 2011 qualification Criteria

The following are the criteria which will be used to select the Singapore players for the 2011 World Scrabble Championship. Barring any amendments announced beforehand, these criteria will take effect from 1 July 2010, with the Committee's decision being final in cases of dispute. The Organisers require that selections be on a basis of qualifying tournaments or ratings, with a minimum of participants.

  1. In accordance with previous practice, one invitation will be given to the winner of the 2010 National Scrabble Championship (NSC); and

  2. one invitation to the winner of the 2011 NSC, both invitations subject to a minimum Qualification Rating (QR) of 1800 and all other applicable criteria.

  3. Additional players not already invited as National Champion 2010 or 2011 will be invited on the basis of highest QR defined in the following way:

    1. The qualification period (QP) will run from the beginning of the 2010 NSC to the end of the 2011 NSC. The subperiods will be
      1. 1 July to 30 September 2010;
      2. 1 October 2010 to 31 December 2010;
      3. 1 January 2011 to 31 March 2011;
      4. 1 April 2011 to 31 July 2011.

    2. P1, P2, P3, P4 are the peak ratings achieved during subperiods i, ii, iii and iv respectively.

    3. QR is a weighted average of peak ratings calculated thus:
      QR = (P1 + P2 + P3 + 2 x P4)/5

    4. Px = 0 if no rated games are played in subperiod x.

  4. Only paid-up SA members who are Singapore citizens and permanent residents from commencement of QP until WSC 2011 are eligible.

  5. All selectees must have played at least 60 rated games during the qualifying period. Games won by reason of opponent's absence (winning byes) count towards the 60 rated games. Losing byes do not.

  6. Players who have previously elected to represent another country when eligible to be selected for Singapore, are ineligible.

  7. Selectees must signify acceptance of selection by 31 August 2011, failing which the place will be offered to the player with the next highest QR who meets eligibility criteria.

-SA Committee

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Last updated: 16 Jan 2010