Scrabble Association, Singapore
Mailing address: Scrabble Association, 14 Robinson Road, #08-01A Far East Finance Building, Singapore 048545
Web master: webmaster at

2013 WSC Qualification Criteria

The following are the criteria which will be used to select the Singapore players for the 2013 World Scrabble Championship. Barring any amendments announced beforehand, these criteria will take effect from 1 July 2012, with the Committee's decision being final in cases of dispute. The Organisers require that selections be on a basis of qualifying tournaments or ratings, with a minimum level of participation.

  1. All selectees must have played at least 72 rated games during the qualifying period (QP), or 50% of all available rated games during QP rounded up if there are fewer than 144 rated games available during the QP. Games won by reason of opponent's absence (winning byes) count towards the minimum required rated games. Losing byes do not.

  2. One invitation will be given to the winner of the top division of 2012 National Scrabble Championship (NSC); and

  3. one invitation to the winner of the top division of 2013 NSC, both invitations subject to all other applicable criteria including minimum number of games. NSC winners do not need to meet any minimum QR.

  4. Additional players not already invited as National Champion 2012 or 2013 will be invited on the basis of highest QR defined in the following way:

    1. The qualification period (QP) will run from 1 July 2012 to 31 July 2013. The sub-periods will be
      1. 1 July 2012 to 30 September 2012;
      2. 1 October 2012 to 31 December 2012;
      3. 1 January 2013 to 31 March 2013;
      4. 1 April 2013 to 31 July 2013.

    2. P1, P2, P3, P4 are the peak (highest) ratings achieved during sub-periods i, ii, iii and iv respectively. All SA-rated tournaments are automatically included in the computation. When a player plays in an SA-rated tournament, the rating achieved is the final SA rating after the tournament.

    3. QR is a weighted average of peak ratings calculated thus:
      QR = (P1 + P2 + P3 + 2 x P4)/5

    4. P­­x = 0 if less than 16 rated games are played in sub-period x

    5. For purposes of eligibility of qualification and minimum games for registering of Px, non-SA-rated overseas tournaments may be included by players who reside outside Singapore during a particular sub-period. For such inclusion, the overseas-based player needs to submit the result to SA, subject to the following criteria:
      1. The player is not primarily residing in Singapore during the sub-period. SA reserve the right to request proof of overseas residence such as a letter from employer stating overseas company address and period of overseas posting.
      2. The player has already played at least 100 SA-rated games before the tournament takes place.
      3. The player plays in the top division.
      4. The player has played, or was awarded a winning bye for, at least 12 games.
      5. There are at least 12 players in the tournament, including all divisions, playing to the word list specified by the WESPA tournament rules. [Formerly "The division has at least 12 players." Revised 2/11/12]
      6. The division uses the WESPA dictionary.
      7. The division is rated by WESPA or a WESPA-recognized Scrabble body other than SA.
      8. The tournament is not held in Singapore.
      9. The player submits advance notice to SA (email: of overseas tournaments in which they are playing which they propose to apply towards these qualification criteria. [Formerly "The player submits the list of tournament they wish to consider for inclusion to SA (email: before the start of the sub-period in which the first day of the tournament is held." Revised 2/11/12]
      10. The player submits the result to SA (email: within one week from the end of the tournament and before end of QP.
      11. The Committee, whose consent may be withheld for any reason whatsoever, agrees to include the tournament for eligibility.
      12. Even if more than one SA member is participating in such a tournament, only the player(s) requesting for inclusion will be considered. Each player should submit separate individual requests.

    6. When an overseas-based player submits an admissible overseas tournament as per 4e, the player will be awarded value for the Px for the sub-period instead of 0. The calculation will be
      Px = Px' - (60 * number of sub-periods using non-SA-rated overseas tournament so far)
      where Px' is last recorded peak rating based on SA-rated games (or last recorded SA rating prior to the current sub-period if no peak rating has been recorded based on SA-rated games yet)

  5. Only paid-up SA members who are Singapore citizens and permanent residents from commencement of QP until WSC 2013 are eligible.

  6. Players who have previously elected to represent another country when eligible to be selected for Singapore, are ineligible.

  7. Selectees must signify acceptance of selection by 31 August 2013, failing which the place will be offered to the player with the next highest QR who meets eligibility criteria.

-SA Committee


The following are released as amendments to the 2013 WSC QC based on feedback received and are released to keep members and prospective qualifiers advised.

Re 4/e/ix. The committee accepts that it is reasonable and sufficient to submit overseas tournaments towards fulfillment of qualification eligibility before the tournament, rather than before the subperiod as originally stated.

Re 4/e/v. The committee has taken into consideration feedback on typical overseas tournament and will accept for the purposes of the qualification criteria tournaments where there are at least 12 players in all divisions playing to the WESPA mandated word source.

The amended QC will be posted on and SA News. Other possibilities are under active discussion. Some may be incorporated into the next full revision of the QC; the priority currently is to address issues as arise with the 2013 QC.

It is recommended that any prospective qualifier unsure of the QC seek guidance from the committee.


On 17 May 2013, Mattel announced that qualifiers for the 2013 World Scrabble Championship (WSC 2013) would instead be given free entry to an invitational division of The Scrabble Champions Tournament (SCT), to be held in conjunction with the 2013 Prague Mind Sports Festival organised by Mind Sports International. The tournament will be held at Andel's Hotel, Prague from 3 to 8 December 2013.

Under the circumstances, Singapore's WSC 2013 qualifying process, which is in an advanced stage, will proceed as planned, and the invitations will be offered to the 4 qualifying players or their alternates if the first qualifiers are unable to accept.

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Last updated: 26 May 2013