Scrabble Association, Singapore
Mailing address: Scrabble Association, 14 Robinson Road, #08-01A Far East Finance Building, Singapore 048545
Web master: webmaster at

WYC 2022 Qualification Criteria

The 2022 WESPA Youth Cup ("WYC", formerly the World Youth Scrabble Championship) will be held later this year through Woogles, an online Scrabble platform.


A player is eligible to represent Singapore at the WYC 2022 if he or she:

  1. is an SA member, and a Singapore citizen or permanent resident, from the end of the qualifying period (QP) to the end of the WYC;
  2. was born on 1st January 2005 or later;
  3. has played a minimum number of SA-rated games during the QP, with the minimum number being 18 or 50% of all available* Division B tournament games during the QP, whichever is lower;
  4. has registered to SA during the QP the intention to represent Singapore at the Virtual WYC 2022.

SA-rated online tournaments may also count towards the required number of games. However, slots will be given in order of merit based on physical SA rating.

The QP is from 15 July 2022 to 30 September 2022.

*Regardless of the divisions that a youth player participates in for various tournaments, the number of games in Division B of the tournaments will be used as reference. If there is no Division B, the number of games played by Division A will be taken as reference.

Queries and registrations are to be directed to The SA committee will be final arbiter in the case of any dispute or interpretation of these criteria. The SA committee reserves the right to modify these criteria.

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© 2025 Scrabble Association
Last updated: 19 Jul 2022