Scrabble Association, Singapore
Mailing address: Scrabble Association, 14 Robinson Road, #08-01A Far East Finance Building, Singapore 048545
Web master: webmaster at

World Youth Scrabble Championship 2024

The following have qualified to represent Singapore at the World Youth Scrabble Championship 2024 ("WYSC 2024") to be held at Citrus Waskaduwa, Sri Lanka from 6 to 8 September 2024.

1 Ho Xuan Lei
- Cyril Xavier Hong
- Chua Yi Ze Ernest
2 Gregory Wee Him Yu
- Jaden Ang Junyi
- Wong Zhi Heng Jeremy
3 Koen Ong
- Julius Chia

Xuan Lei, Gregory, and Koen have accepted the invitation.

WYSC 2024 website

Qualification for WESPA Youth Cup 2024
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© 2024 Scrabble Association
Last updated: 20 Jul 2024